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Las energías renovables como alternativa fuera de red. El acceso universal en Iberoamérica

Renewable energies and universal access in Latin America

J. Eisman Valdés

Revista de Obras Públicas Vol. 164, nº. 3584, pp. 78 - 85


Between 20 and 30 million Latin Americans suffer the most extreme conditions of energy scarcity and do not have access to electricity. Taking electricity supplies to very remote and poorly communicated areas with highly scattered homes, with very low consumption, barely any basic services and where the absence of the State is all too conspicuous, Is a complex task as conventional solutions are no longer valid in these situations. Renewable energies are the solution to this problem and, with a suitable management model, may provide basic electricity in a sustainable and affordable manner.

Keywords: Electricity supply; Energy scarcity; Extreme conditions; Latin americans; Low consumption; Management Model; Renewable energies; Universal access

Published on paper: February 2017.

J. Eisman Valdés, Las energías renovables como alternativa fuera de red. El acceso universal en Iberoamérica. Revista de Obras Públicas. Vol. 164, nº. 3584, pp. 78 - 85, February 2017.